Happy Language Day! Or more specifically, International Mother Language Day—a celebration that’s been around since the 1970s and officially recognized by UNESCO in 1999.

With 7,164 languages spoken around the globe, some dominate far more than others. But can you guess which one reigns supreme?

The Top Languages by Native Speakers:

  1. Chinese – 1.3 billion native speakers (primarily Mandarin)
  2. Spanish – 486 million
  3. English – 380 million
  4. Arabic – 362 million
  5. Hindi – 345 million
  6. Bengali – 237 million
  7. Portuguese – 236 million
  8. Russian – 148 million
  9. Japanese – 123 million
  10. Lahnda – 118 million (spoken in India and Pakistan)

But what about total speakers, including those who learn a language as a second (or third) language? That ranking looks very different.

The Most Spoken Languages by Total Speakers:

  1. English – 1.5 billion
  2. Mandarin Chinese – 1.1 billion
  3. Hindi – 602 million
  4. Spanish – 559 million
  5. Arabic – 274 million
  6. French – 274 million

English may only rank third in native speakers, but its global influence—especially in business, education, and entertainment—makes it the most spoken language overall.

So, whether you say “hello,” “hola,” “你好 (nǐ hǎo),” or “नमस्ते (namaste),” today’s the perfect time to celebrate the power of language!
