Artificial intelligence like ChatGPT often gets criticized for occasionally producing nonsense. But let’s be fair—so do humans. Our everyday conversations are packed with phrases that, when examined closely, make absolutely no sense. A recent discussion on social media asked, “What’s a common thing people say that makes ZERO sense?” Here are some of the most amusing responses:
- “I’m sweating like a pig.” Fun fact: Pigs don’t really sweat.
- “I’m healthy as a horse.” Horse owners know this isn’t the glowing endorsement it sounds like.
- “I slept like a baby.” Babies wake up crying every few hours. Not exactly restful sleep.
- “Unthaw” or “Dethaw.” Both imply freezing something again rather than defrosting it.
- “6:00 A.M. in the morning.” The “A.M.” already tells us it’s morning.
- “They did a complete 360.” A 360-degree turn brings you right back to where you started. A change would be a 180.
- “The lion is the king of the jungle.” Lions don’t live in jungles. They live in grasslands and savannas.
- “Irregardless.” This word doesn’t actually exist in proper English—it’s just “regardless.”
- “For all intensive purposes.” The correct phrase is “for all intents and purposes.”
- “Money can’t buy happiness.” While true in a deep, philosophical sense, money can certainly make life a lot easier.
- “Happy as a clam.” Are clams happy? We’ll never know.
- Contradictory wisdom: “Don’t sweat the small stuff” vs. “It’s the little things that count.”
- More contradictory advice: “The early bird catches the worm,” but also, “The second mouse gets the cheese.” And let’s not forget—the worm woke up even earlier.
- “Everything happens for a reason.” Sometimes that reason is just bad decision-making.
- “Skibidi.” If you have teenagers, you either understand or you don’t. Either way, just nod and move on.
These phrases may not always make logical sense, but they’re deeply ingrained in our everyday speech. Language is a living, evolving thing—sometimes, it just doesn’t have to make sense.