Looking for some intriguing trivia? Here are five random facts that might surprise you:

  1. The Ketchup Purity Movement
    A study in 1896 found that 90% of commercial ketchups contained harmful ingredients, including preservatives that could be deadly, coal tar for dye, and toxic byproducts from manufacturing.
    Henry Heinz saw the problem and became obsessed with purity. At a time when ketchup was sold in brown opaque bottles to hide impurities, Heinz chose clear glass bottles to prove his was pure and trustworthy—a marketing move that helped build the Heinz empire.
  2. A Song Mashup That Outperformed the Originals
    Peter Frampton’s hit “Baby, I Love Your Way” only reached #12 on the Billboard charts, and Lynyrd Skynyrd’s legendary “Free Bird” peaked at #19.
    But in 1988, the pop group Will to Power mashed them together into “Baby, I Love Your Way/Freebird Medley (Free Baby),” and it went to #1—proving that sometimes, two good things are better as one.
  3. Presidential Family Drama
    After President Benjamin Harrison’s wife passed away, he found love again—with her niece.
    His adult children were so furious about the marriage that they cut ties with him. Family gatherings must have been awkward.
  4. Twins’ Secret Languages
    About 40% of twins create their own private language that only they understand. This phenomenon, called “cryptophasia,” includes made-up words, unique speech patterns, and even gestures.
  5. Bea Arthur: Before the Golden Girls, She Was in the Marines
    Before starring as Dorothy on The Golden Girls, Bea Arthur served in the U.S. Marine Corps as a truck driver. She enlisted during World War II when she was just 21 years old.